Saturday 7 July 2007

1. What's this Blog all about then ?

My wife and I recently bought some land in France, had a house built on it and now rent it out as a Holiday Home. Here's a photo of it.

I have set this Blog up to share our experiences with others. There are apparently 10's of 1000's of UK folk (as we still are) that are seriously thinking about doing what we have done and I wish to pass on our experiences to others, so that they might benefit, if and when, they commence their own adventure. In return, I'm hoping to link up with those more experienced than we are in running a Holiday let, so that we might improve the service that we offer to our guests and also learn more about the beautiful region of South-West France. You can ask me questions about our experience if you like, by posting your comments, or for a speedier response, email me through our website. I would like to get some really good chatting going on within this Blog and hear all sorts of views and opinions, which can include anything to do with France. Ask me a question or tell me about your experiences. Our website is
Feel free to go and have a look. You will find lots of info about our gite as well as other stuff about activities in the Lot-et-Garonne dept and Tourist Information for the region.

I have broken our "story so far" down into different posts, so you can jump around to the bits you fancy. There are also lots of links to other places/people we've come across so you can also disappear elsewhere if you wish. Go back to the top of the page now and select which part of the story you'd like to read from the menu on the right. To read the full story from the very beginning, just expand the individual month buttons and start at post No 1. and work your way through.

Please feel free to add a comment or make a suggestion

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Travel blogs

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